We lay a broad range of drum lengths of HT Cable upto 33 kv grade Laying Services for our clients that are used in
different segments through hume pipes, trenches or with excavation. Moreover, the HT Cable Laying are also laid
on cable trays. Our personnel can also arrange for permissions from appropriate authorities such as North Bihar
Power Distribution Company Ltd., South Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd., Municipal Corporations across
Bihar, etc. Our services are very cost optimum as comparison to the industry.
Our day to day work focuses mainly in the electricity sector, laying hundreds of metres of cable on a yearly basis as part of the maintenance and upgrading of the Bihar’s electricity infrastructure. Bhagat Engineering Works employs a variety of highly trained, multi-skilled staff capable of laying any cable in any surface.
We are thus able to offer the following services:
All our sites are inspected before work carried out. Proper identificationof location is done in order to maintain our high standards of health and safety. For more information about any of our projects in particular.
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